Architectural element with a flat-topped, angular projection or support.
Either of two punctuation marks (`<' or `>') used in computer programming and sometimes used to enclose textual material.
Examples for "angle bracket "
Examples for "angle bracket "
1 Each menu item has a precedence number within angle brackets .
2 The Greek poems are set off by angle brackets .
3 Any place where angle brackets are used, i.e.
4 Here, we stripped off the left and right angle brackets from an XML tag one at a time.
5 Single Greek words embedded in roman text have also been transliterated, as described above, and are identified by double angle brackets , e.g.
Either of two punctuation marks ([ or ]) used to enclose textual material.
Другие значения термина "bracket" 1 Offenders in the medium risk bracket carried out another 50 serious crimes.
2 Start shifting insurance risk in one age bracket , and the effects ripple.
3 The government has also flagged income tax cuts to address bracket creep.
4 Framing Connector: A metal bracket or plate used to connect framing members.
5 The bracket being higher than the mirror was not visible in it.
6 As for red wines, there is something available in every price bracket .
7 Lupita knows everything that happens in the lower - bracket underworld of Mexico City.
8 Heard this NZ commentator mention him in that bracket I wasn't ready.
9 In the Umholtz-Rivers income bracket , the difference might be worth killing for.
10 Walker lit one in its bracket , then lit a second to carry.
11 There was a little piece of candle burning in the enamel bracket .
12 You were maybe thinking your tax bracket would go down in retirement?
13 Its customers are mainly female in the middle to upper income bracket .
14 What is the distinction in use between the bracket and the parenthesis?
15 Alas, the Six Nations is seemingly not held in the same bracket .
16 Doctors don't seem to get that I ain't in their tax bracket .
Другие примеры для термина "bracket"
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